
LEGAL NOTICE & CREDITS © 2025 Saudequip







Mr Philippe Lafargue is implanted in Saint-Louis, in Senegal. At the death of his first partner, Joseph Larrieu in 1860 and as he had no offspring, Mr. Lafargue brought his nephew, Jean-Anselme Delmas (JA Delmas). Newly associates, they develop the business and open the first trading post (or " factories ") in St. Louis and throughout the Senegal River Valley : selling first need products such as fabrics or small metal tools, peanuts and Arabian gum.


Jean-Anselme's son, Philippe, moves to Dakar. In 1912, he is the head of a large company operating in the country. Traditional business then adds a flotilla of barges and trailers for boat handling products arriving from Europe , between Goree and Dakar sector. Thus was born the name of African Handling .


Philippe's eldest son, Jean Delmas, came to Rufisque and succumbed to yellow fever a few months later . So it is his younger brother, Peter, 26 years old, which succeeded him in 1927. However, the economic conditions at that time is not favorable for traditional trade, and Peter chose to direct the activities of the company to technical with the RENAULT representation first, and then by signing on the April 5, 1932 the General Agreement with Caterpillar . At the same time, all activities in Senegal are grouped under the name of African Handling (1928) directed by Robert Delmas, Philip's nephew.


Economic activity stagnates one more time. In 1942, the German Navy requisitions The Delmas company premises in Bordeaux. Pierre Delmas then launches alternative activities in the Bordeaux region: grape seed oil, insecticides, polishes and waxes.

After the war, the kick-start of the economy allows our company to cover a wide range of activities from mechanical constructions and shipbuilding to bakery, transit and transportation and insurance. The Renault and Caterpillar representations experience significant growth. The business activity, which started in 1937in Bamako and the Ivory Coast, becomes significant in Abidjan, then Conakry and Niamey.


The independence of the African countries in which the company is installed coincides with the arrival of a new generation of leaders for the company.

Indeed, Philippe and Yves Delmas, Peter's sons, gradually start to take over the helm. At the time, the human and financial resources are mobilized by the general policy  to specialise in the Caterpillar side of the business.


All the company's activities are focused on our core expertise: the supply and monitoring of premium quality goods. In the 2000s, growth accelerates around the exploitation of natural resources and development of the mining industry.


The Manutention africaine of Senegal changes its name and becomes Saudequip.


Thanks to the Caterpillar range which we have been successfully distributing for over 40 years, we are actively involved in a range of different fields:

- Construction (public works, excavation, agriculture and forestry)
- Mining
- Energy (generators, power plants, marine and industrial engines, solar power).

We also work in the field of industrial equipment (compressors, forklifts and handling equipment).
Our teams offer you high-performance and reliable equipment, and also provide excellent local technical support, to ensure the quickest supply of spare parts, as well as premium training on-site or at our clients' locations, in both the mechanics and running of the equipment.
The long experience of our company, at the service of equipment renowned all over the world, permits us and the network member companies to deliver solutions tailored to the requirements of our clients, and thus to contribute to the success of their projects.

Our greatest strength remains our commitment to service.